De bell sounding like it crack!

While some calm has returned to de mining town, de tension remains high. Understandably so, given that some people lost their lives in de events that follow de protest there.
Since then, Uncle Donald and de opposition met and he also met with other stakeholders to ensure that de situation is carefully managed. People seh such meetings is good and that it give confidence. Some changes have also been made with regards to de police command in de town and a inquiry into de incidents was decided. De BC would like fuh extend sympathies to de families of de people who lost dem lives and to those who was injured.
Time like these, everybody gon gat a opinion and would speculate, but what is worrying, is fuh see a leading member of de “Bell” party sehin that de opposition must stop all communication with de government! At a protest in GT de day after de incident, de man, who also gat de same first name as de leader of de “Hands Up” party and last name like Uncle Sam, seh “no more talking” and is time fuh “raw” spell backwards! Seeing that he had time fuh seh what he seh and was absent when de other David along with other members of de “Bell” party was meeting with Uncle Donald, show clearly that he is not taken seriously even by he own! Everybody seh de man must be ignored especially since he don’t live here! Dem sehin every time he talk, he always trying fuh intimidate, and he gon be de first one fuh jump on a plane and go home to Uncle Obama country!
People want fuh know if de “partnership” “cracking” seeing that de overseas Guyanese in question was not at de big meeting with Uncle Donald, especially when only last week he and de other David share a press conference! Dem seh it not surprising seeing that de man and de Norton who not in de House, was together at de protest mention! When people hear de things this man sehin, dem convince that with people like he, if de “Bell” party is fuh win, it gon really be de “Worst Possible Alternative!” Ting-a-ling-a-ling… friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie!

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